Oil Tank Removal in Montclair, NJ
Oil Tank Concerns in Montclair

Montclair, New Jersey homeowners and businesses have used underground oil tanks to heat their properties for years. Historically, petroleum and iron-based oils have inhabited these tanks to heat the properties. Over time, the petroleum causes rust to form, and eventually, it eats away at the oil tank’s exterior. The rust causes corrosion, which forms holes and cracks in the tank. Because of this damage, oil tanks can leak causing the petroleum and other iron-based oils to seep into the earth. While Montclair oil tanks are unregulated by both state and federal laws, leaks from these oil tanks can cause some serious environmental concerns and public health problems.
Thankfully as Montclair has developed there have been new, technologically savvy ways adopted to heat properties that are more environmentally safe and not a risk to pubic health. However, the old, rotted oil tanks still exist and can cause harmful issues. These tanks can create environmental concerns, safety hazards, and cause a nuisance to property owners and potential buyers in Montclair, New Jersey. Luckily, ERC Environmental is a trusted and experienced company that helps make NJ oil tank removal easy and fast at a flat-rate.
Financial sense of removing an oil tank
So, why should you remove an oil tank from your Montclair property? Property selling is one of the most popular reasons why people elect to have underground heating oil tanks removed. Even if properly decommissioned, oil tanks pose a huge liability threat to the buying (selling) potential of a property. New Jersey real estate agents practicing in Montclair and elsewhere attest to that fact that underground oil tanks effect buyers’ decisions to purchase a property, and at minimum will insist the tank be removed before closing on a sale.
Oil tank removal is essential whether you plan to sell your Montclair property soon or at some point in the future, as the cost associated with an oil tank leak is much greater than the cost of just a tank removal. New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection’s Clean Water Book makes the seriousness of leaking underground oil tanks very clear. Water pollution and vapor hazards are huge concerns that are linked to underground oil tanks, especially in leaking tanks where the harmful substances in the oil are likely to seep into the ground. This can effect not only the soil surrounding the tank, but also ground water or surface water areas. Leakage can also effect water supply wells and sensitive ground water areas, resulting in the oil tank leakage contaminating drinking water. Vapor leakage, while uncommon, is another problem that can occur with leaking oil tanks. Oil tank vapor leakage can directly affect public health and can sometimes cause respiratory problems.
Thus, the Township of Montclair takes closely regulates buried oil tanks. If there is one on your property, you should contact us right away. The longer you wait to remove the oil tank, the greater the chances are that you will have to pay the much larger costs associated when a leak ultimately occurs.